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What We Care About


Productive grantmaker culture is one that accelerates progress by supporting nonprofits to be successful.

Culture is the collective behaviors and underlying assumptions of an organization.

While there is no one “right” culture, GEO’s work shows that grantmakers who cultivate cultures based on collaboration and partnership; diversity, equity and inclusion; respect and humility; responsiveness; transparency and trust; and curiosity and learning are better able to adopt the smarter grantmaking practices that matter most to nonprofits.

Creating productive culture is the result of intentionality and constant tending — this means understanding what we’re trying to achieve and continually aligning strategy, operations, talent and culture in that direction. In order to do this, everyone within the organization must understand how her or his role and behaviors either reinforces or contradicts the culture we are collectively trying to create. By working together to understand and tend our culture, we can build stronger, more inclusive and more effective organizations.

Culture is built every day in every action you take. It affects how people think about your organization, whether they trust you, and their willingness and eagerness to work with you.

Stacy Van Gorp, R.J. McElory Trust

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  • Peer Learning

    Community Driven Philanthropy - 2024 Remote Learning Series

    GEO provides remote learning series that offer space for GEO members to learn alongside their peers in a virtual setting about effective grantmaking approaches that are equity-centered, community-driven and that matter most to nonprofits through a combination of in-depth conversation, practical examples and thought-provoking discussions with the GEO community.

    • September 2024
  • Peer Learning Members Only

    Change Leaders in Philanthropy Fellowship Closing Retreat

    The Change Leaders in Philanthropy Fellowship is an 11-month peer cohort program for senior leaders who are responsible for shepherding key change efforts within their grantmaking institutions.

    • September 2024
  • Peer Learning Members Only

    Change Leaders Community Quarterly Call

    Quarterly virtual call for current and former Change Leaders in Philanthropy Fellows.

    • September 2024

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Perspectives on Philanthropy

Interesting thoughts and ideas circulating in the GEO community.

  • The exterior of a foundation building.

    Center for Effective Philanthropy

    The Ripple Effect of Foundation Culture

    "Building the right internal culture at any organization, foundations included, requires proactive attention from the CEO." Read more in this article from Kevin Bolduc, vice president of assessment tools at CEP.

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    Community Wealth Partners

    Internal Culture, External Impact

    Amy Celep, Sara Brenner and Rochel Mosher-Williams share how a change-making culture positions foundations to transformational change.

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    Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

    Lead Your Culture.

    In this article, the Gates Foundation shares its perspective on strengthening organizational culture.

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