GEOList Summary: Vacation Days and Carryover due to COVID

  • Bo Dorsey, March 15, 2021

Hi all, We are exploring how/if to adjust our PTO policy due to COVID (and just generally) and I’m interested in the following: • Do you allow staff to carry over unused vacation days? o If so, is there a time by which they have to use those days? • If you do not allow carryover days typically, are you allowing it in 2021 due to COVID? o If so, are you placing restrictions on when days must be used and/or how many days may be carried over? • How many vacation days are new staff allotted? • What does accrual look like (at what point do staff accrue more days, how many days, etc.?) • Do you allow employees to “buy” vacation time? Is unused vacation time eligible for pay out? Thanks for your input!

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