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about geo

Story & Vision

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About the Group

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The Champions are a community of GEO members who are passionate about supporting stronger nonprofit partners and want to connect with their GEO peers who feel the same.

The Champions self-organize around questions and topics of shared interest. Some questions include: How are we holding ourselves accountable for our capacity building? How do we ensure that we are providing culturally competent organizational capacity support? How do we right-size/type needs assessments to ensure grantees are getting the information that they need?


The Champions are a community of GEO members who are passionate about supporting stronger nonprofit partners and want to connect with their GEO peers who feel the same.

The Champions self-organize around questions and topics of shared interest. Some questions include: How are we holding ourselves accountable for our capacity building? How do we ensure that we are providing culturally competent organizational capacity support? How do we right-size/type needs assessments to ensure grantees are getting the information that they need?


The Champions are a community of GEO members who are passionate about supporting stronger nonprofit partners and want to connect with their GEO peers who feel the same.

The Champions self-organize around questions and topics of shared interest. Some questions include: How are we holding ourselves accountable for our capacity building? How do we ensure that we are providing culturally competent organizational capacity support? How do we right-size/type needs assessments to ensure grantees are getting the information that they need?


The Champions are a community of GEO members who are passionate about supporting stronger nonprofit partners and want to connect with their GEO peers who feel the same.

The Champions self-organize around questions and topics of shared interest. Some questions include: How are we holding ourselves accountable for our capacity building? How do we ensure that we are providing culturally competent organizational capacity support? How do we right-size/type needs assessments to ensure grantees are getting the information that they need?


What We Care About

The strongest nonprofits are adaptable and resilient

Strong programs exist in strong organizations, and capacity building allows nonprofits to build their skills and expertise to tackle important issues.


The strongest nonprofits are adaptable and resilient

Strong programs exist in strong organizations, and capacity building allows nonprofits to build their skills and expertise to tackle important issues.


The strongest nonprofits are adaptable and resilient

Strong programs exist in strong organizations, and capacity building allows nonprofits to build their skills and expertise to tackle important issues.


The strongest nonprofits are adaptable and resilient

Strong programs exist in strong organizations, and capacity building allows nonprofits to build their skills and expertise to tackle important issues.


The strongest nonprofits are adaptable and resilient

Strong programs exist in strong organizations, and capacity building allows nonprofits to build their skills and expertise to tackle important issues.


The strongest nonprofits are adaptable and resilient

Strong programs exist in strong organizations, and capacity building allows nonprofits to build their skills and expertise to tackle important issues.


The strongest nonprofits are adaptable and resilient

Strong programs exist in strong organizations, and capacity building allows nonprofits to build their skills and expertise to tackle important issues.


The strongest nonprofits are adaptable and resilient

Strong programs exist in strong organizations, and capacity building allows nonprofits to build their skills and expertise to tackle important issues.


Become a member for early access

GEO members get priority access and discounted registration rates — it’s why so many of our conferences are nearly sold out before they open to nonmembers. Join today to take advantage of these special benefits!


Long title lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum, ac aliquet odio mattis.

Subhead giving a glimpse at the content Vorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum, ac aliquet odio mattis.

Our Team


Allison Beck

Program Manager, Content Development and Research

see bio

Executive Office

Cozzie King

Manager, Office of the President

see bio


Wing Li

Director of Operations

see bio

Membership & Development

Autumn Shepherd

Membership & Development Specialist

see bio

Membership & Development

Claudia Williams

Director of Membership and Development

see bio


Kelly Wise

Director of People and Culture

see bio