
From publications to toolkits, GEO’s resources lift up experiences from your peers to help you turn knowledge into action.


A Change Management & Deep Equity Primer: The What, Why, How & Nuance

This publication from Movement Tapestries offers insights and guidance for organizations navigating equity-embedded transformations, and the challenges that can come with embarking on such journeys.
  • January 16, 2023
  • Sheryl Petty, Ed.D.


About 744 results.

  • GEOList Members Only

    GEOList Summary: What is the best GMS? SmartSimple or Salesforce or Other?

    Dear grantmaking colleagues, Our team is in the search of a grants management system that will help automate our current manual grantmaking process. We’ve narrowed down our top 2 choices - SmartSimple and Salesforce – and want to ask if folks here have any thoughts, opinions, and / or red flags on these systems. Or – please let us know if you know of any exceptional GMS product that has served well for your organization. We are looking for a GMS that is easy to use, highly secure, functional, and continuing to grow in capabilities with our growing organizational needs. Thank you!
    • March 30, 2022
    • Bo Dorsey
  • GEOList Members Only

    GEOList Summary: States/Funders with Funding Priorities Using A Racial Equity Lens

    Hello – we are wondering if any of you know of states and/or funders that have already developed funding priorities using a racial equity lens and/or prioritized communities hardest hit by the pandemic? Thanks! Best Ken
    • March 29, 2022
    • Bo Dorsey
  • GEOList Members Only

    GEOList Summary: Collecting Applicant Demographic Data

    In 2021 we piloted the collection of applicant staff and board demographic data (race/ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation) in partnership with our evaluation partner, as one step to understand who our grants were going to and how applicant organizations were representative of the communities they and we want to be serving. It was not mandatory and doesn’t look it will be next year either. But, we are taking feedback and trying to understand how we can be more supportive of our grantees in 1) collecting this information in a safe and appropriate way and 2) using this information appropriately to reflect and strategize on what potential gaps there may be in representation within their own organizations. We haven’t done a ton in that second space, but wanted to reach out more about the mechanics of the data collection process to understand if and what others are doing. Some questions: Are you collecting demographic data from staff and/or boards of applicant organizations? If so, what is the method or conduit for which you do this? Is the applicant responsible for getting all of their data and putting it into the application/portal or a spreadsheet of sorts? Are there any third party programs or software that allow for collecting and aggregating data this data? We also heard that organizations, and particularly the people responsible for submitting application information, would appreciate an opportunity for anonymity for themselves and their coworkers within the data collection process. Has anyone seen any tools, or know of any strategies that allow for the organization to anonymously collect this data from their own orgs?
    • March 29, 2022
    • Bo Dorsey
  • GEOList Members Only

    GEOList Summary: Foundation Giving to Rural vs Urban Communities

    We are currently conducting research on foundation giving to rural vs urban communities, and I am reaching out to inquire if anyone is aware of any resources in the past 5 years specifically focused on demonstrating this difference? Thank you,
    • March 29, 2022
    • Bo Dorsey
  • GEOList Members Only

    GEOList Summary: Advocacy - Policies/Procedures

    Good Morning, Our Community Foundation has gotten more involved in advocacy over the past few years. As part of that, we are hoping to develop specific policies/procedures related to advocacy to help guide our work. Do any GEO members have example policies, procedures, etc. related to advocacy that we could see and/or does anyone know of other foundations that have these and would be willing to share their work?
    • March 20, 2022
    • Bo Dorsey
  • GEOList Members Only

    GEOList Summary: Seeking recommendations for strategic planning consultants specializing in racial equity

    Good Morning, I recently searched the GEOlist archives for an answer to my question, however, it seems like I am the first to inquire about this specific subject matter. My question is: The John R. Oishei Foundation, located in Buffalo, NY will embark on a strategic planning process in 2022 and to further advance our racial equity initiative, we are looking for a consultant with DEI+J experience. For those who have recently worked with a strategic planning consultant specializing in racial equity or partnered with a DEI+J facilitator to compliment the learning process, could you please share your experience and the firms/individuals you’ve engaged to guide your organization’s decision-making? Thank you. I think this is a great question to hear more from the member base on how they are approaching strategic planning with a racial equity lens. Please let me know if you need anything else from my end.
    • February 20, 2022
    • Bo Dorsey
  • GEOList Members Only

    GEOList Summary: Seeking recommendations for a third-party provider to benchmark compensation

    Hello Everyone! Does anyone have recommendations for a third-party provider to benchmark compensation at a nonprofit? Thank you!
    • February 20, 2022
    • Bo Dorsey
  • GEOList Members Only

    GEOList Summary: Grant Variance Policy Examples

    Good afternoon, The Frey Foundation is in the process of reviewing our grant variance policies, including but not limited to no-cost extensions, changes of scope, additional/supplemental funding, or budget variances. Does anyone in the GEO community have examples of variance policies that they use within their grantmaking practice that they are willing to share? Regards,
    • February 16, 2022
    • Bo Dorsey
  • GEOList Members Only

    GEOList Summary: Board Directors & decision-making on grants

    Happy (Western Hemisphere) New Year everyone. I would love to hear from the PUBLIC Foundation community. Do you have any high-level language you include in the Terms of Reference for Board Directors that summarises their role in grantmaking decision-making or approvals? We are in the process of updating the role our Board plays in grantmaking decision-making. In parallel, we are working with an external organization to strengthen our capacity on meaningful youth engagement. The end result being a more youth inclusive grantmaking decision-making process. In the meantime (before the meaningful youth engagement piece of work is completed – not for another 7 months or so) we need to update some of our governance documents including BoD terms of reference. Hence, I am just looking for examples of generic language so as to not commit ourselves to anything too specific on grantmaking decision-making/approvals, but it is a HUGE motivator and reason why people want to support our organization and join our Board … so I need to mention something. Thanks everyone.
    • January 31, 2022
    • Bo Dorsey
  • GEOList Members Only

    GEOList Summary: Revamping Application Format

    We are interested in revamping our application format and were interested in collecting samples. Does anyone in the GEO community have a blank application they could share as an example?  
    • November 11, 2021
    • Bo Dorsey